Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Week 4 , Thing 8

Hi again, I had no idea what RSS and newsreaders. It is a good idea instead of having to search numerous websites to get information on one topic. I had no problem setting up my Blogline account and just picked many of popular choices from the most popular list that I saw after I set up my account. I also subscibed to feeds from other participants blogs. I added some of the news feeds from the sources provided in this activity. They were: Library Journal News, Unshelved, and the Readers club. I now have 37 feeds. I will check them weekly to see which ones I want to keep and which ones I don't find useful. It was easiest to subscibe in Bloglines by cutting and pasting the URL. This was very interesting and I can see how Libarians could use this technology to help patrons. For example the Reader's club could be a easy and fast way to see bestsellers or find books by age level or interest. I hope to continue to use newsreaders.


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